#JacksonFamily Interviews with Alaine Chartrand – Jackson Ultima Skates

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#JacksonFamily Interviews with Alaine Chartrand

The #JacksonFamily is a large family of skaters wearing Jackson products. Whether it be Matrix Blades, Ultima Blades, Jackson Skates, skaters are encouraged to tag #JacksonFamily in their social posts and be a part of the largest skating family, from recreational to elite!

Innovation, Development and most importantly FUN are the core fundamentals of #JacksonFamily.

In our interview series, we go behind the scenes and talk with some of our skaters to get to know them a little bit better! This week, we got the opportunity to catch up with 2016 Canadian National Champion: Alaine Chartrand.

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Where are you from and why did you start skating?
I am from Prescott, Ontario and I started skating because my parents put me in Can Skate after being inspired watching the successes of Canadian skating greats like Elvis Stojko on TV.

What are some of your hobbies outside of skating? You’re now a student at York University — tell us about that.
I have very limited time outside of training and studying but when I do I enjoy catching up on TV shows or movies and exploring Toronto. I’m currently in my first year of university at York in the kinesiology program. Overall I am enjoying the balance of school and skating in my life but I also have a newfound respect for athletes attending university.

You’ve made some big changes the last couple seasons, including this one. Tell us about adjusting to those.
Once I decided I was going to skate this season, I realized that I needed everything to be fresh. So, I moved to Toronto full time where I live with a skating family. I started working with new coaches and then started university in the fall. There has been a lot to adjust to from being away from my family and managing more things on my own to being at a new training location and new coaches to figuring out how to be a university student while being an elite athlete.

Any long term plans for life after skating?
I recently got my coaching certification and although I don’t have time for it in my current schedule, I would love to do some coaching in the future. Eventually I think I would like to use my kinesiology degree to work with athletes in the role of an athletic therapist.

Looking back, what would be your most memorable moment in the skating?
Definitely 2016 Nationals. Every athlete’s goal is to put it all together when it counts and at that event I put down two of my best performances and created an unforgettable moment.

What are your goals for Nationals this year? And for the rest of the 2019 season?
I really just want to enjoy myself at nationals this year. Nationals is always a great event but the last two nationals I was skating on a sprained ankle which was really stressful and took a lot of the fun out of the event.

In general this season, I’ve tried to put less pressure on myself and try to remember that skating is part of my life and something I do because I want to. I think if I can stay healthy, I have great opportunities ahead of me.

What does being a part of the #JacksonFamily mean to you?
I’m grateful for the #JacksonFamily continuous support. I love the consistent quality I get from my Matrix blades so I can be confident in my equipment!

Lighting Round


Place to compete? In front of a home crowd!

Place to visit? Japan for skating, Hawaii for vacation

Dress color? Red

Food? Ice cream

Animal? Penguin

TV show/movie? TV- This Is Us, Movie- UP!

Alaine’s Equipment: Matrix Elite Blades

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